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rocket scientist 1.火箭專家。2.(能承擔高難度工作的)能人,高人。

rocket ship

And it ' s not brain surgery . but if your background is in either , you ' re welcome to take a shot and apply at google . the company ' s employees include a former rocket scientist and a former brain surgeon 身為頭號網絡搜索引擎,其成功的秘密除了為員工提供最好的福利之外就是四處網羅高學歷人才,例如現在公司里就有一位火箭科學家和一位前腦科主任醫師。

Someone , a rocket scientist perhaps , has shown a lot of tested evidence that physiologically your body can peak earliest after six hours from waking up and digesting food takes minimum of three hours 專家? ?或許是導彈專家? ?可以給你看很多經過驗證的證據:從生理學來說,你的身體要在起床6個小時后才能到頂峰狀態,食物的消化則要至少3個小時。

Conceived in the reagan era as a response to the russians ' mir space station , it was used by bill clinton in the 1990s to keep russian rocket scientists from selling their expertise to rogue states 在雷根年代被構想為和蘇聯和平號對臺, 1990年代則被柯林頓拿來避免俄羅斯火箭科學家把他們的專業技術賣給流氓國家。

Or high school students can not seem to understand something their teacher is explaining . ‘ come on , ’ she says , ‘ you do not need to be a rocket scientist to understand this 或高中生似乎不了解教師解釋的東西。 “來” ,老師說, “你不需要理解這個成為一個火箭科學家” 。

“ i don ' t think you have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that you go out and play the games and see what happens . “我想,你不需要成為一個專家去精算出些這場比賽會如何,你就是打好每場球,然后看接下來如何啊! ”

It grew , ’ he says ‘ because rocket scientists probably are the most intelligent people around . ’ not everyone would agree “表達增加了“ ,他說, “因為火箭科學家也許是最聰明的人。 ”不是每個人都會同意。

Washington rocket scientist tells about a launch that was postponed many many times . finally everything seemed right Washington火箭科學家說一次發射推遲許許多次。一切似乎終于好了。

He or she makes space travel possible . rocket scientists , however , can have problems just like anyone else 他或她使得太空旅行成為可能。然而,火箭科學家,有跟別人一樣的問題。

Some people might be considered more intelligent than rocket scientist , for example , a person who speaks and reads fifteen languages 有人認為可能比火箭科學家更有才智。

He was a hero who could defeat any enemy from outer space . the rocket scientist is a different kind of hero 他一切擊敗外層空間敵人的英雄。科學家是在不同的英雄。

For one , you don t have to be a rocket scientist to develop a significant php - based math package 其一,要開發意義重大的基于php的數學包,您不必是一名火箭科學家。

Albert einstein had an iq of 145 , so you mean this rocket player can well be a rocket scientist 愛因斯坦的iq是145 ,所以你的意思是這個火箭球員可以當火箭科學家?

Once again the launch was postponed . when the work goes well , most rocket scientists enjoy their jobs 發射再一次推遲。如果工作順利,火箭科學家喜歡他們的工作。

You don ' t need to be a rocket scientist to see that our soap cleans better 試譯:你不必是火箭專家, (你就能輕易地發現, )我們的肥皂能清洗得更干凈。

You do not need to be a rocket scientist . ’ americans hear these words often 你不必是火箭科學家。美國人經常聽到這句話。

John is a rocket scientist and is supposed to be smart 這個爸爸說: “約翰是一個研究火箭的科學家,應該是很聰敏的。

You don ' t need to be a rocket scientist to see that our soap cleans better 是人就會看出,用我們的肥皂洗會更干凈

“ it was from a rocket scientist . it ' ll cost you $ 100 , 000 . “第二種是一名火箭科學家的,得花10萬元。 ”

Don ' t take a rocket scientist to figure out that eventually . . 別讓一個火箭專家指出發射的原因. .